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Tweet Collection #paradigmshift: Best of 2


#paradigmshift:life starts2grow when u stop seeking for approval/love/respect. this is THE dooropener2yr LIFE! #selfmanagement

#paradigmshift:if ur a leader and feel stuck is there sbdy2blame or ru intelligent 2see yr mindset being the limiting factor? #leadership

#paradigmshift:if ur a leader&feel stuck w/ yr strategy where do u turn 2? #leadership #chaos

#paradigmshit:if ur a leader in the middle of #complexity how do u know where2move? #leadership

#paradigmshift:if ur a whale in the middle of the ocean what r the criteria if2go left or right or... #leadership

#paradigmshift:true intelligence means seeing not only the surface of the ocean but deep down2the bottom.#leadership

#paradigmshift:the crucial ambivalence in the world is order vs freedom,#abundance vs separation/scarcity, linear vs #holographic thinking.

#paradigmshift:linear thinking only cures symptoms. #transformation needs a holographic way of seeing.#leadership

#paradigmshift:imagine2b a whale in the middle of the ocean.how2u know where2go? #leadership

#paradigmshift:can a flower stop a tank? #chaos #selfmanagement

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