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Tweets Collection #paradigmshift: Best of 1


#paradigmshift:leaders have2redesign their way of thinking when it comes2deal w/ complex issues! #leadership #chaos

#paradigmshift:challenge is2watch yr inner dialogues when life doesn´t work the way u want it2!#subconscious nailed!

#paradigmshift: listening2the silence inside for most people is a task hardley possible.2much noise reaches their attention.#chaos

#paradigmshift:chances r that u still follow unconscious expectations that u accepted2believe in yr past.time2....!!

#paradigmshift:the best time2find out which issues 2deal w/ is when waking up at night.beyond yr rational realm!

#paradigmshift is entirely about mindset&being aware. u will face all yr mental limitations on yr way to yr #SELF!

#paradigmshift:most people r scared2leave their programmed #mindset behind. freedom can be a scary place!

#paradigmshift is a mindgame.seeing that past barriers were illusions opens the space for a world of #connectedness!

#paradigmshift:life starts2grow when u stop seeking for approval/love/respect. this is THE dooropener2yr LIFE! #selfmanagement

#paradigmshift:if ur a leader and feel stuck is there sbdy2blame or ru intelligent 2see yr mindset being the limiting factor? #leadership

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