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  • Dr.Christian Wolf WHITE SPACE

#navigating #paradigmshift: #categorizing people

#categorizing people leads2#distance&#alienation

#paradigmshift: categorizing people leads2categorizing ourself! keeps us away from our deepest truth of who we r!

#paradigmshift: a category seems2be a save space. actually it´s opposite. takes away aliveness&truth of encounters.

#paradigmshift:categorizing helps u2hide yr insecurity in pretending that u know! accept2hide&open the door2reality!

we might not even be aware that we categorize other people but it´s a standardized way of trying2handle reality.

in essence it´s a mechanism2selfconfirm! 2feel secure in situations that make u insecure.

one of the ramifications of this strategy is that we miss the sensitivity and vulnerability of reality. we keep surfing on the surface not knowing that we block ourselves2enter deeper realms of our being.

and most of all: being real we can see that categorys are a means for selfdefense!

So!: Dont forget2GetReal!

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